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How To Know If You Are In Your Masculine Or Unhealthy Feminine Energy As A Woman

If there is one thing I have to 'treat' in the majority of my female clients it is this.

Women presenting to me in their unhealthy (wounded) feminine energy or presenting to me in more of a masculine energy.

Sometimes they are aware about this when they come to, sometimes not at all.

It's hard to self-diagnose when all we've ever really known is one way of being, one way of moving through the world, one perspective of ourselves.

I do like to joke with my 1:1 coaching clients that if I could be a fly on the wall of their life just for one day, and have a small taser attached to them, giving them a little buzz-shock everytime I saw them moving or speaking through life from more of a masculine or wounded energy place that they would be taken aback. With the things that they're doing that they have normalised and see as right or strong or just the way things are.

When in fact it's more just a story we've told ourselves to explain away who we are, why we are the way we are, and why our life is the way it is.

So, how to know if we are more in our masculine energy or in our more wounded/unhealthy feminine energy?

  1. You are in an unfulfilling, unhealthy relationship and you're in your head about it. You're not able to walk away or leave.

  2. You struggle to attract high quality men.

  3. You assume men are intimidated by your achievements and independence. No they're not attracted to your energy and presence.

  4. You have unresolved trauma and wounding so your ex and men trigger you. You look down on men. You are nervous about being hurt by a man again.

  5. You have trouble receiving and like to be in control and in charge. But you are also resentful about this in time too.

  6. You feel exhausted from doing it all.

How many did you tick?

*Healing this element within yourself will be one of the most life changing processes you will do for yourself as a woman. Please view my program here to support you to how do this (please know half the women inside this program come to me still in their marriages, needing to do the work on themselves so they feel empowered and confident enough to leave). Alternatively consider working with 1:1 through a high touch intensive 3 month container with me here.



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