Hi, I'm Carla
I see you fearing your future and what's ahead of you. Not quite sure where to start or where to go. Afraid to disappoint people you love even.
I see you feeling overwhelmed with it all. Resentful and tired with it all.
I see you not wanting to repeat your patterns over and over again, tired of getting the same disappointing result.
I see you thinking "What's wrong with me? Why can't I have a relationship/life like she does? I feel like a failure"
I see you struggling to not fall into feelings of self-doubt, frustration, not enough-ness and loneliness as you try to move forward with your life.
I see you trying to keep your light, spark and hope alive because you know you deserve better than what you've left behind in your past and you want better for your future.
I see you tip toe'ing around fully owning your full self-expression and all your beauty, talent and potential.
I see you because this was once me.

This doesn't have to be your path.
Struggle after you leave a marriage isn't normal and it doesn't have to be your normal.
Your life can be changed if we change your patterns.
What you attract into your life can be completely up-levelled.
What you desire to have is as possible a result for you as it is for anyone else you see currently enjoying what it is that you desire.
Love and life can change overnight for you on a dial. I've seen it happen over and over again in my clients lives.
After just one session my clients walk away completely enlightened about why they chose the partners they did and the deep soul-reaching reason about why their marriage ended. It's never just what you think.
The process to move my clients forward in their life, more empowered and better for their marriage having ended, can be easeful and it is absolute magic watching it unfold for them.

Hi there, I'm Carla.
I've worked with and coached women for the last six years helping them to rebuild and rediscover themselves and up level what they attract into their life after a marriage or long term relationship has ended.
I left my own marriage in 2016 and I have two daughters.
I am the author behind two of Australia's most loved books on the topic of divorce (you can read more about them here).
I am incredibly passionate about this subject and supporting clients through this season of their life..
I work with clients before they leave their relationship, supporting them to leave their marriage with clarity and confidence, free of guilt and without fear of the future. Sometimes I actually help my clients save their marriage.
And I work with women who have already left their marriages and are needing emotional support to move through their divorce and evolve into their next version of self.
Together we work to change my clients patterns, beliefs and emotions to completely change the trajectory of their life going forward.
It's my mission to see women fully owning all of their potential and to achieve success after their marriage ends. And to have a life, a career, a next relationship and a lifestyle that reflects all of their beauty and magic.
Whether you are 35 or 55, my belief is that life is too short to not be living at our fullest expression and as our best version of self, feeling seen and appreciated for everything that we are and have to give in life and love.
I want you to know that I once was a totally different person than I am today. Maybe that's hard for you to imagine but it's true!
I was a stay at home Mum, newly separated, emotionally and financially co-dependent on my then husband, realising that I had to return back to the paid workforce to support myself, knowing that everything solid and certain that was in my life now was about to change and not knowing how life was going to look for me.
I'd never had to fully support myself financially (and do it successfully). I’d never had a bill solely in my own name. I’d never lived on my own. I was low in confidence, low in self-belief, I'd forgotten how it felt to be treated like a woman who was loved and valued.
I had not been single for nearly two decades!
I veer'ed between feeling confident and excited about my new life in one breath to having overwhelming moments of self-doubt in the next.
And then there was dating…! I’d been with the same man since I was twenty one. And here I was at thirty four ~ not even sure who I was as a woman now and entering the online dating world. Twelve years with the one person. Twelve years that had left me feeling down on myself, not good enough, hesitant to trust and open myself up to someone again…it made me feel incredibly unsure about putting myself back out there.
All I knew was that I had a burning desire to attract in something much different for my future than I'd lived with in my past
And I knew I had to be a different kind of woman than the woman I used to be for that to show up for me in life. I knew I needed to change from the inside out. But I wasn't sure how.
I did what many women do after getting a divorce!
I updated my wardrobe and I put myself on a health kick. After having two young children, I have to say that working out and eating beautifully was necessary and it was amazing! Physically I did transform.
But what I continued to attract into my life changed only to a certain degree because I was still the same girl, believing the same things about herself and fearing the same things. Similar shades of the same kind of person in my life love kept showing up, the same dynamics in my career, the same outcomes financially.
And so I started the process of doing the real work on myself to truly understand why this was happening. To begin the process of healing and clearing my pattens and blocks for good.
Over the last five years I have up-levelled in all areas of my life.
The men I attract.
My friendship circle.
My lifestyle.
In my career.
Most importantly, in myself.
It has been the most profound personal journey of undoing and growing to become who I am today, with the life that I have, as a 41 year old woman.

Fun Facts

I'm so excited for my 2024. This is me living my happily every after.
Learn how to surf.
Start running in person retreats.
Purchase my own property to run retreats from.
My books growing in popularity and easily found for women who don't know about my work, message and services..
More aligned conscious awake relationships in my life.
Health on fire baby!
Reformer pilates classes.
Early morning starts to enjoy the best time of the day.
Beach walks.
A sharp margarita.
Conversations that take me down rabbit holes.
Awake people and how they inspire me to live more deeply and authentically.
Lord Howe Island.
My life is my dream, I don't need to holiday from it.
My daughters would say Egypt please Mum!
Moving my body everyday, water on my skin, fresh good food, awesome people, music playing in the background, catching a sunrise or sunset, supportive relationships and friendships, fresh air and time away for me.
Tanned skin and sunshine.
Watching one of my spiritual or self-help channels I'm addicted to.
Dinner with friends and family.
Being in my own space.
Japanese food.
Fresh salad.
Farmers market and fresh, no chemicals in my food produce.

Carla Da Costa is an author on divorce and a divorce coach. She works with women who are separating or divorced through her private coaching practice, her online programs and her books.
Through her work Carla supports and inspires women to make this next season of their life, the best season of their life. Carla has become a modern voice on divorce for women asking is divorce really a failure or could this actually be the best thing that ever happened to you?
Carla’s intention is to support and empower men and women to become a product of their greatest self-expression. If she can change her life and how she views her life and potential than you can too. In this area she is a powerhouse.
Carla is currently living in the southern part of the Gold Coast, Australia. She is a proud Mum of two beautiful daughters. She spends most of her time at the beach, is forever removing sand from her car, learning about something no one would ever expect from her, catching up with friends, doing coffee and lunch with loved ones and living on Vietnamese and Japanese food (with the occasional Portuguese custard tart thrown in).
And yes, Carla went through her own divorce in 2016 (she couldn't do this work, like she does, if she hadn't).
Her life motto is: 'I blow by anything that slows me down' ~ Guru Jagat.
Professional Qualifications
Life Coach through the Beautiful You Coaching Academy
Certified Law of Attraction Coach
Former co-owner of a Pilates Studio
Shaman in training, officially graduating end of 2024.
Awards & Recognition
Life Coaching Book Of The Year 2018 for the 'Living With Heart' series of coaching journals.
Carla teaches and has run inspiring workshops for small groups and business.
Topics have included:
How to raise your personal vibration
Vision boarding
Goal-setting and motivation
Nourishing daily rituals
Health and lifestyle
The feminine/masculine balance in career, life and relationships
Aligning your self with true success.
Interviews & Podcasts
Carla has written and spoken for numerous publications including The Project, Channel 10 and 7 news, MamaMia, ABC Radio, The Age Newspaper, The Daily Telegraph, The Huffington Post, Pilates By Lisa, Inspired Coach Magazine, The Elephant Journal, The Ladies Coach, Raspberry Magazine and more.
Topics have included:
Divorce & Relationship Trends
Goal setting and vision boarding
Motherhood and attempting to balance it all
Life after mental illness
Social media marketing
Mindful eating and movement
Wealth and abundant mindset
Living with an attitude of gratitude