Explore Carla's Programs
Join 100's of other women, like minded to you, who desire to step into their next chapter of life wiser, more evolved, with purpose, passion and confidence, better for their marriage having ended. Absolutely no looking back with regret, guilt or heartbreak and the past having no imprint on their future growth or choices.
Is this you?

Newly Divorced
Carla's Foundational Program For Women Who Are Preparing To Leave Their Marriage Or Who Are Moving On From Their Marriage Having Ended
Let Carla support and coach you for 12 months to heal and move on from your marriage ending and onto the next season of your life.
Better for your marriage having ended. Feeling financially capable and independent. Emotionally strong, wise and empowered. Lessons and patterning learnt and overcome on a subconscious level so we don't repeat them or co-create them in any next relationship. Ready to step into your next season a completely different woman and version of self.
The Art Of Rediscovering You
The program for the woman who has healed from her marriage, is no longer triggered by her ex and who has her eyes firmly fixed on her own future and real glow up.
This woman has moved on from her marriage having ended.
She's finding herself.
She's redefining who she wants to be and she wants to create full success in her life, love & career.
She wants to soar in their next season of life and be financially secure, successful and one day (if not already) in love.
A completely new woman.
With an entirely different energy.
And a whole new purpose.
Yes, yes, yes.