The 12 month, one stop, covers everything coaching method to support you through one of the most challenging and emotional life changes and life pivots we go through as adults - the process of leaving a marriage or moving on from the ending of one.
Your marriage has ended. Whether it was at your choosing or at theirs.
You believe your marriage is over. It's now about you having the confidence and the mindset to be able to leave and land on your two feet when you do.
Your marriage has ended but your ex is still triggering you or manipulating you and it's impacting you from moving on with your life undisturbed and taking away from your peace.
You might be still feeling a mixture of all the emotions. Grief, sadness, shame, guilt, fear, abandonment, worry, overwhelm and it's holding you back from moving on.
You want your divorce to be the positive turning point in your life for you and for your children.
Your marriage is over and you're now in the drivers seat of your own life for the first time as an adult woman, responsible now for making your own life decisions and directions. It feels overwhelming and a lot.
You've been separated and divorced for quite some time but you are still attracting the wrong type of men and relationships into your life. Perhaps you also have 'wounding on wounding.' Wounding from your marriage that was unresolved, with wounding from a next relationship that is now layered on top of this in your psyche.
You are in your masculine energy more than your feminine. You feel closed, emotionally repressed, out of flow, disconnected to your sensual side, your intuition, your emotional self, your vulnerability AND you are tired. Tired of being the one who has to make it happen, who is carrying everyone and your relationships. You desire to be nurtured, loved and supported as a woman now.
After so many years of putting everyone else's needs first you're not sure who you are or what you even want for yourself into the future.
The Rising Beyond Separation & Divorce Method is the coaching program for you if your marriage has ended and you're looking to move on a better person for it ending. It's also for you if you've accepted that your marriage is over, all that's left for you is to prepare emotionally and leave.
It's also for you if your marriage ended years ago but you are still holding onto the wounds of its ending and you can see your patterning is impacting on your life and relationships now.
Grief and sadness at the end of your marriage and the loss of the dream/what could have been. Perhaps you also feel abandoned and discarded. Processing what was my marriage, why did it end.
Fearful about financial changes and your financial future now you're a single woman.
Guilt for breaking up the family and hurting the people you love.
Overwhelmed. There's so much to think about and be in charge of yourself now. That's not even taking into account the emotional side of the journey to navigate.
You're overwhelmed at the thought of navigating and managing life, work, kids on your own.
Worry about the unknown and the future, of having to start all over again.
Hurt that someone could treat you the way they have, in the marriage and after it's ending.
Tired in mind, body and spirit after years of people pleasing, over-giving, emotional abuse, gaslighting and toxic behaviour (that may or may not still be going on even though you're separated).
Module 1:
Understanding and Unpacking Your Healing, Your Fears & Your Unique Blocks.
Module 2:
Shifting Our Inner Dialogue To Match Our Higher Version Of Self.
Module 3:
Your Love Blueprint, Changing Your Type In Love & Beginning To Explore The Feminine.
Module 4:
Bringing Your Inner Queen To Life.
Module 5:
How To Cultivate Intuition & Self-Trust Again.
Module 6:
Understanding The Masculine & Feminine Within & The Dance In Relationship.
Module 7:
Opening To A New Version Of Love.
Module 8:
Celebrating You & Creating Your New Future
+ Bonus How To Be A Super Manifester Module & Creating Financial Confidence & Independence Module
FACT: 50% of women who join this program haven't left their marriage yet, but they are preparing to do so emotionally, mentally and financially. The sooner we start this inner journey the more likely we are to land on our feet when it ends.
Hear What Past Members Have To Say
I had been watching Carla’s posts and stories probably for about 3 months, before I finally got the courage to contact her. I didn’t really know what to say other than “How did you know you needed a divorce?”
I had flicked from a wounded feminine energy to a masculine (sometimes wounded masculine) energy and then wondered why my relationships never lasted. That was where the work was needed for me.
I started The Rising Beyond Separation & Divorce program and it has literally changed my life. I am a different person to the one I was when I first considered separating from my husband and contacted Carla.
I was fatigued, burnout and constantly angry with everyone when I came to Carla.
Today I’ve never felt lighter, more energetic, or fuller hearted in my life, even though I am single. Whilst I’m a romantic at heart, and believe in the happily ever after, I now know that if I want a healthy, high value man to show up, then I need to be the healthy, high value woman that he is going to be attracted to.
":I came to Carla embarrassed and humiliated about the clichéd end of my 20-year marriage.
This program helped me immensely. I was no longer the ‘victim’ and for the first time in my life I found myself excited to be in the driver’s seat.
Yes, I was grieving the loss of the family life I had planned in my head, the future that will never be … but Carla helped open my eyes to a whole NEW world of possibilities.
An empowering program, that helped me regain my confidence, direction, and drive"
"Carla has completely changed my life this past year. I enrolled in her program mid 2022 and really didn’t start putting the work into my soul journey until late 2022, this is when my life started to really change in a positive, powerful way.
Her program for newly divorced people is like nothing else, this is the time of my life that I wanted to ensure my new life path was what I really wanted and Carla has made this possible.
From working through my divorce to now working through a plan for my future financially and professionally is empowering. There is no one else that I have ever met that seems to know exactly what would work for me.
She has such a gift of seeing what is needed, and its so refreshing.
I have read both of her books and often pick them up again at different times in my life so I have more clarity. Investing into this program and any of Carlas work from financial mindset work, to manifesting your dream life is worth every cent.
We have one life to live and I am so grateful to have found Carla’s work. Her life is such a beautiful journey and everyone deserves to live the most amazing life so I highly recommend Carla’s program."
In Rising Beyond Separation & Divorce, I’m going to show you exactly how to move on with your life and reinvent yourself. This is you doing the inner subconscious work to change your blueprint about love, career, finance and what you believe about yourself.
Very rarely does someone come to me having not listened to tonnes of podcast episodes and having read many inspirational self-help books first. Only for it to have not really moved them forward or changed too much in their outer life. This is because this kind of content is not 'the work.' It is merely the inspiration to help you see the voids and lack within yourself so you can then do 'the work' on these elements in yourself.
If books and podcasts worked to change individuals psyche and patterning then everyone would be today living as their best, highest version of self. And they are not.
This program covers all the emotional and practical steps a woman needs to learn and embody energetically to make going through a marriage ending journey the best thing that ever happened to her.
A catalyst that will see you step into your highest, best version of self as a woman both personally and in your career/finances.
Join the Rising Beyond Coaching Method, feel fully supported over 12 months within the coaching program and in our monthly support coaching calls.
With the option to add on 1:1 calls with Carla as a VIP or High Touch Intensive Client.
This program encapsulates my personal ethos that I also want to see you embody: "you living your best life after divorce".
Are ready to move on and to leave the grief, sadness and hurt in the past. Grateful for the lessons you've learnt but ready to be an empowered, feminine, confident version of yourself into the future.
Know you need to rebuild your sense of self and reimagine yourself. You're not the same woman today that you were when you met your ex-husband. You're different. Life gets to change to accommodate this and it needs to.
Want to feel capable and confident financially. And trust that you can provide for yourself and your children.
Need to learn how to deal with an ex who is still being controlling, emotionally manipulative, even toxic with you.
Desire to be in a relationship that is nurturing for you instead of one that leaves you carrying it and holding it altogether. Where you are loved, cared for and supported. That is intimate, passionate and has emotional depth to it. A relationship that brings out a more feminine, sensual, soft side while still allowing you to be successful, empowered in your 9-5 career.
Know that having a lack of boundaries and that your people pleasing nature has left you feeling taken advantage of and like you're the one who is always giving and carrying others and it's left you feeling unappreciated and cost you your self-worth.
Realise you have some patterning and wounds that need to be healed from your marriage. Never want to find yourself in a relationship with a man similar to the one you've left.
If you've tried to move on from the wounds of the past but are still struggling to do so. You feel like nothing really changes despite what you try to do.
Create A Highest Self Vision For You That Is Aligned With You Are Now & Who You Are Becoming. Learn How To Manifest This Vision Into Your Experience. Become A Super Manifestor & Attractor.
Clear The Blocks, Wounds, Masculine Patterns You Don't Know You Have & Negative Thoughts That Are Keeping You Stuck & Cycling Around In Your Mind. Shift you into your feminine energy.
Learn The Art Of Opening Up To Receiving More Love & Shed The Habit Of Self-Sabotage & People Pleasing
Feel Financially Confident & Strong As A Single Woman. Trust Your Ability To Make Decisions, Hold Money, Create Your Own Security And To Manifest Career Opportunities & Abundance Into Your Life.
Learn How To Trust & Cultivate Our Intuition & Self-Trust & So We Never Ignore Our Inner Guidance Again
Understand The Feminine
& Masculine Energies Within Us And Learn What A Well Balanced Masculine/Feminine Energy Looks & Feels Like. Understand All Of Your Feminine Sides & Learn How To Embrace The Inner Child, The Goddess & The Queen Within To Inspire The Masculine Over Emasculate
Lessen The Impact That A Controlling, Emotionally Manipulative & Toxic Ex Has Over You Emotionally & Also In Your Decision Making.
+ 2 Bonus Modules On 'How To Manifest Successfully' and 'Create Financial Confidence & Security'
Rising Beyond Separation & Divorce combines both the emotional work, the practical next steps and the mindset techniques necessary for you to leave your past patterning, courtesy of your marriage, sometimes even your childhood behind and move into the future a better version of self.
You will be supported by me yes! But you will also learn from the other coaches and practitioners I recommend to my clients within this method too.
It takes a village and several modalities to help you change and up-level your psyche and blueprint for good. This is your village!
This method is my foundational coaching space to share with my clients everything I know that will support them on their personal journey over 12 months. Let me deeply support you through this life season and onto the next chapter of your life, an empowered different woman on the inside.
I Invite You To Join Me In This Life Will Never Be The Same Again, I'm Not Looking Back Coaching Method
In this powerful, highly supportive coaching method, we will move you forward in your life and self further and faster than you could imagine.
This is you achieving accelerated fast results to move you forward in your personal life, love life and financially.
In all the ways this will be an up-level.
Emotionally. Financially. In yourself. In love.
The 3 Options To Join
- Join The Rising Beyond Separation & Divorce Coaching Method with monthly group support coaching calls.
Add On's
- Join as a VIP. Add 2 x 1:1 60-75 minute coaching calls with Carla for deeper personalised support to navigate your separation, your divorce, your ex, your finances, your healing and your personal/business/life/career goals.
- Or join as a HIGH TOUCH INTENSIVE CLIENT. Add 4 x 1:1 60-75 minute coaching calls with Carla, receive a private channel with Carla via her app for in person between session support. This is a 3 month high touch container for deep results, accountability and support to navigate your situation and achieve ultimate results. Learn more here.
You Will Also Learn From These Well-Regarded Coaches Alongside Me...
Eleanor Hadley
Eleanor is a Sensuality Coach, Sex Educator and Founder of Sensualista Flow™️, a uniquely feminine movement yoga practice designed to empower students to reclaim their innate sensuality. Eleanor is on a mission to help women embody their femininity, enhance their sex-life and elevate their relationships.
Eleanor believes that sensuality is the missing key to cultivating deeper connection - with yourself, your body, your pleasure and with your loved ones. She has supported women around the world to finally channel their feminine essence to create super turned on lives of ease and flow.
Her clients and students have fallen in love with their bodies once and for all, reclaimed their pleasure, unlocked orgasms, stepped in to their most confident selves and become super sensual.
Annmarie Lord
Annmarie is a psychic healer and healer who guides women of all ages into a life of their dreams. She is the founder of Minrgy™️, an empowering healing modality that combines the principles of reiki, NLP and intuitive guidance into one practice to both heal and empower.
With every woman she has worked with over the last 15 years she brings a bag of "knowledge tools" to the consolation so as everyone has a unique, empowered experience that will enhance them to feel liberated and trusting in all areas of their lives.
Annmarie is Carla's preferred psychic and intuitive guide over the last five years.
Tara Stone
Tara is a licensed master hypnotherapist based in Perth with over 15 years of experience. She specialises in supporting her clients to rewire themselves neurologically to change their behaviour and thinking through the power of hypnosis and positive suggestion.
Tara is specialised in treating anxiety, PTSD, addiction, depression, changing negative thinking and belief patterns and in cutting emotional cords due to heartbreak, trauma or loss.
Tara has been Carla's personal hypnotherapist for the last four years.
Her work is positive thinking and affirmations on steroids.
Louanne Ward
Louanne has helped thousands of people meet, connect and enjoy lasting committed relationships. Her entire career, spanning almost three decades has revolved around love and helping people achieve their relationship goals. Louanne's career as a matchmaker began at the age of 21 and she launched her agency a few years later in 1993.
Transitioning into the digital dating era, she has maintained her values of offering a specialised personal service. In all of these years, her curiosity about the brain science of love and human behaviour has never faded.
Together Louanne and I will help you deeply understand the differences between the masculine and the feminine and how to embody more of our feminine energy so we can attract a masculine man.
Personalised support from Carla in our monthly group support coaching calls.
Monthly Live Group Calls With Carla. Your chance to receive in person support about your particular situation with Carla.
Private group and community of like-minded women, moving through the same life season as you.
Rising Beyond Road Map: Let Carla lead you through over 25+ hours of pre-record video recordings for you to be able to listen to in your own. Carla has paced and structured this program purposefully to unfold in a way that supports your growth and healing in a way that will accelerate and fast-track your success. The step by step pathway is on purpose.
Australia’s leading dating and relationship coach Louanne Ward sharing with us how to discover and truly embody the Queen within, and teachings on understanding the feminine/masculine energies in relationships and dating. How we emasculate men accidentally. How to be an empowered woman who can be in a relationship with a masculine man (and attract these types of men too!)
Tara Stone a leading hypnotherapist to support you to rewire and anchor in your new beliefs concretely using a selection of her guided hypnosis mediations. This library of her work will support you to completely overwrite your current beliefs and patterns. Flipping the switch on your inner talk from being negative, this feels hard to positive and everything is coming together for me. So you no longer feel a sense of hopelessness in finding love, believe you truly deserve and can attract in the kind of love you desire to call in and to support you to be in your feminine energy.
Teachings on how to develop our intuition, distinguish between the voice of our fear and inner knowing and to recognise the intuitive signs when we are choosing a new partner. While learning how to trust the flow and journey of our life with Carla’s favourite intuitive medium and psychic Annmarie Lord.
A feminine embodiment yoga class to help you explore a more sensual, feminine side of yourself. To enhance your inner Goddess, sensuality and self-apprecation practice with Eleanor Hadley the founder of Sensualista Flow Yoga. (This class is pre-recorded for you to be able to explore privately).
Plus so much more content and teachings that you're not even aware that you need to move on and reimagine yourself successfully!
Hear What Past Members Have To Say
"Carla Carla Carla.
Where do I start?
Well, lets go from the person that I was a couple of years ago. I was in a relationship that was going nowhere.
I left (again) and did my usual thing and got into another one STAT. I couldn't work out why this pattern of behaviour wasn't working for me and I found myself at a crossroads. Either I keep doing the same thing or challenge myself to do something else.
Along came this program. What a mind blowing process it was. It was like looking at myself through a mirror glass for the first time in my life and I didn't like what I saw.
Carla is one of the most inspired people that I've had the pleasure of working with. She knows her shit. She will challenge you. She will guide you to a better version of yourself, one that personally I didn't know existed.
The group program was amazing. Working with Carla 1:1 was next level"
"After my separation I felt lost in every sense of the word, didn't know where to start or where to next. I stumbled across Carla's book 'Seconds Please" and read it in a day. For the first time in a long time I felt like someone understood. I then connected with Carla and started this program.
This program allowed me to challenge myself and grow towards being a strong, confident and capable woman. Carla's support and knowledge in this area of separation and divorce is second to none.
Today I feel happy, strong and confident in the person I am, and in what I need and want going forward. I cannot recommend Carla's services more highly, she has changed the course of my life"
"A year ago I couldn’t have imagined being where I am today. I was in a loveless marriage and severely depressed.
With so many unresolved issues from childhood affecting my relationships, I didn’t know where to turn.
Fast forward to today and I am in a loving relationship where I am valued, respected and treated like a queen, but more importantly, I feel strong and happy in myself for the first time in my life!"
Entirely private. The coaching method is held within my client members portal.
With one time enrolment giving you Forever Lifetime access to the content inside. This means you can do the program at your own pace and also revisit the content to be re-inspired at any time into the future. And you will also have access to all new content as it is added to the program.
Be crystal clear on what you want for yourself in this new chapter of your life. What you're capable of. What you deserve. How to arrive there.
Feel more empowered, confident, attractive and magnetic in your own skin as a feminine woman. This will expand you not only in your personal intimate life but also professionally.
Have cleared any negative wounds or emotions that have been weighing you down. And no longer able to be emotionally triggered or manipulated by your ex. Free of any guilt, fear, shame or anxiety about the future.
Up-level your self-belief and self-worth to a whole new level. Feel in control of all the elements within your life, confident and empowered that you can manage anything that may arise into the future.
Know what you want (and deserve) in love next and completely change your love blueprint to align with this. All blocks and inner resistance to what you want to manifest into your life are removed. A clear path to move forward on.
What Past Members Say
"Working with Carla was the best move I made! Joining this program helped me understand what wasn't working for me and what was holding me back from being the best version of myself.
I gained the confidence, clarity and energy to move through the next stage of my life and to trust my intuition more.
Carla was also available to help me 1:1 recently when I was stuck on a situation I couldn't move past. She helped me gain clarity and shift my focus so that I could move forward.
I am so grateful for Carla's support and guidance and can highly recommend working with her.
Thanks again Carla x"
"I reached out because I was struggling to let go of an unhealthy attachment I had to a man I had met. I had been separated for a few years and was repeating the same patterns in attracting the same man over an over.
I reached out to Carla to enquire about her program. I was hesitant at first to make the investment in myself as I thought I should be able to just ‘stop’ fixating and to change my patterns myself. How wrong was I!
I was very nervous having my one on one with Carla but after allowing myself to be fully open with her she was able to hold a mirror up. What I had been attracting is what I was sending out - Wow mind blown!
The program has given me tools and helped me to shift my energy, to love my self and my life and to attract more of what fills my cup. It’s a journey but one definately worth taking. Thank you Carla!"
"Hello Carla,
I am absolutely loving the course, I cannot tell you how this has changed my life. I never thought that I would come out of the situation that I was in.
Last June I came out of a very challenging relationship with a long term partner who was an alcoholic. I rekindled a relationship with an ex who although was not physically or emotionally abusive he was not very nice. This was devastating.
I am 43 and I have never ever been single and this is the first time. Since I have participated in this course for the first time in my life I feel comfortable own space and I am genuinely okay and at peace.
I am taking time to nourish and care for myself. I pray that one day I will meet someone although I am still a little terrified.
I cannot thank you enough, honestly you are an earth angel xx"
Carla Da Costa is a published author and a divorce coach. She works with women who are separating or divorced through her private coaching practice, her online program and her books. Carla went through her own divorce in 2016 and has been coaching since 2017.
Through her work Carla supports and inspires women to make this next season of their life, the best season of their life. Carla has become a modern voice on divorce asking is divorce really a failure or could this actually be the best thing that ever happened to you?
Carla’s intention is to support and empower men and women to become a product of their greatest self-expression. If she can change her life and how she views her life and potential than you can too. In this area she is a powerhouse.
Carla is currently living between the Gold Coast and Perth, Australia with her two daughters and their dog Oliver. She spends most of her time at the beach, is forever removing sand from her car, swimming endless laps in the pool, catching up with friends, doing coffee and lunch with loved ones and living on Vietnamese and Japanese food (with the occasional Portuguese custard tart thrown in).
Her life motto is: 'I blow by anything that slows me down' ~ Guru Jagat.