Doubting your decision to end a marriage can be a normal stage in the marriage ending process for a time, however...if it continues it can and will hold you back from making a decision and moving forward concretely in one direction or another.
Doubting your decision to end a marriage is not necessarily a reflection that your marriage shouldn't end or that you have made the 'wrong' decision.
But it is a potential reflection about something else.
Are you more focused on everything you have to lose over everything you have to gain if your marriage was to end?
Is your thinking more fear based than optimism based?
Are you more afraid of the unknown than open to the unknown?
Are you dancing in 'better the devil I know' or 'love never lasts, am I being ungrateful?' style of thinking?
If this resonates than your mindset is not supporting you to make the right, healthy, long-term decision for yourself or your life.
Instead your mindset is stuck in fear, safety, security, belonging, doubt style of thinking. This is all resonant with our reptilian and limbic brains. Two parts of our brain that are more obsessed with our survival than in our growth, evolution and authenticity.
This is why you are conflicted, circling and stuck. This is why you dance back and forth in your mind.
We need to expand your mindset to begin operating equally from the neo-cortex part of your brain so you can not only make a sound decision for yourself, but fully own it, fully move forward with your decision and silence the inner conflict.
*For support to overcome this pattern of thinking, and if this share has resonated with you, please visit my program 'Rising Beyond Separation & Divorce' here. Whether you are still married or separated, this program is wholly aligned to support you through this.