This month marks three months since the arrival and launch of 'Seconds Please' into the world. When it was first released in November 2021 I nervously sat back and waited for the feedback and the response from you all.
While being a self-help, coaching style book for women who are considering leaving their marriage, who are divorced or who have left a long-term relationship, this is also something more. My personal journey, my personal share, and something I hoped I was sharing in such a way that it would resonate with every woman that opened it and read through its pages.
*Images shared below are all your own that you have shared with me since it's release.
It's been very humbling to hear your feedback, over and over again, that what I've shared in 'Seconds Please' has deeply resonated with you.
That it has put into words everything you were feeling, experiencing and thinking but didn't have the words or coaching background/knowledge to understand in depth.
Why it was happening? Why you felt this way? The similarities in the journey for almost all women. What this says about me?
'Seconds Please' has helped and inspired you to understand all of this.
Divorce is perhaps THE most challenging, humbling experience that we go through as grown adults.
Even when we choose it for ourselves.
It is a loss of the dream future.
Sometimes of a facade that we have been presenting to the world.
The letting go of what could have been and what it will now be.
It makes us feel like we are a failure.
And it can be one of the loneliest experiences you can go through in your life.
I went through my own divorce in 2016.
And I sat on this exact book title until 2021, carried it quietly in my psyche knowing that one day I would be the woman who could write this and who would.
Who would be ready to write it. One day.
'Seconds Please' is very much the book I wish had been out there in the world when I went through my own divorce. Other than 'Eat, Pray, Love' everything else in the divorce category to read was heavy and talked about all the negative parts that sometimes come with divorce - narcissism, toxicity and abuse. And I didn't want any of that!
There was no content out there for women who desired to make their marriage ending the best thing that ever happened to them. Who wanted this to be an opportunity for them to find themselves, recreate their lives and make something magic from the experience.
Which takes nothing away from the heaviness that still comes with the journey, but something that would inspire women out of their 'heads' and onto something more loving, profound and beautiful.
What a lesson in creativity and destiny. That when something is meant for you to be the creator of, to do, be or have, that with consistent, positive forward movement that it will still always be yours.
Thank you for the love! Here's to watching this beautiful book soar even more into the hearts of women in 2022.